European Institute of Peace

  • Foundations & Think Tanks


  • European Union | International cooperation


Our Vision and Mission.

The European Institute of Peace provides practical experience, technical expertise, creative ideas and policy advice on conflict prevention and resolution. We are peace entrepreneurs.

Active in over twenty locations around the world, the Institute combines the agility of an independent organisation with the diplomatic reach of its board and proximity to the European Union and to European states.

Our vision is a world where armed conflict and threats to life and livelihoods are reduced and resolved through effective dialogue, mediation, and inclusive peace processes. Our mission is to catalyse and invest in opportunities for non-violent conflict resolution in ways that respond to the needs and hopes of people most at risk and in doing so, to optimise Europe’s contribution to sustainable peace.

The European Institute of Peace is uniquely placed to increase understanding of conflict resolution, and to increase the ability to respond effectively.

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