The Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) is a non-profit, pan-European umbrella organisation of national and regional cancer societies. Located in Brussels, ECL provides an exclusive platform for members to collaborate with their international peers, primarily in the areas of cancer prevention, tobacco control, access to medicines and patient support, and creates opportunities to advocate for these issues at the EU level.
ECL’s VISION: A Europe free of cancers ECL’s MISSION: To advocate for improved cancer control and care in Europe through facilitating collaboration between cancer leagues , and influencing EU and pan-European policies.
The cancer burden is projected to increase by 25% by 2030. It has been estimated that almost half of all deaths due to cancer in Europe could be avoided if everyone followed the 12 recommendations of the European Code against Cancer (ECAC). ECL offers a unique platform for cancer leagues in Europe to exchange best practices, and benchmark cancer prevention strategies implementing the ECAC, by convening technical workshops, and organising study exchange visits for cancer leagues to learn first-hand from their peers.