International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

  • International Organisations


  • Foreign & security policy | International cooperation


The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation with 20 Member States and 498 staff members. Active in more than 90 countries worldwide, it takes a regional approach in its work to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along migration routes. Priority regions include Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Mediterranean, Silk Routes, Western Balkans and Türkiye. Its approach to migration management – structurally linking policy & research, migration dialogues and capacity building – contributes to better migration policy development worldwide. The Vienna-based organisation has a mission in Brussels and is locally represented in 36 countries worldwide. ICMPD receives funding from its Member States, the European Commission, the UN and other multilateral institutions, as well as bilateral donors. Founded in 1993, ICMPD holds UN observer status and cooperates with more than 715 partners including EU institutions and UN agencies.

Kontakt :

+32 2 233 11 60


Organisation Website