DIGITALEUROPE is the leading trade association representing digitally transforming industries in Europe.
We stand for a regulatory environment that enables European businesses and citizens to prosper from digital technologies. We wish Europe to grow, attract and sustain the world’s best digital talents and technology companies.
Together with our members, we shape the industry policy positions on all relevant legislative matters and contribute to the development and implementation of relevant EU policies. Our membership represents over 35,000 businesses who operate and invest in Europe. It includes 91 corporations which are global leaders in their field of activity, as well as 39 national trade associations from across Europe.
To shape, on behalf of our members, a business, policy and regulatory environment in Europe that best realises our vision.
We achieve this by working as a positive partner with the European institutions, other European and global bodies and, through our national trade associations, the European Member States.
Together we strive for a Europe where digital technologies, innovation and artificial intelligence can provide Europe’s citizens with competitive jobs, better health and better public services.
This will be achieved by a strong, unfragmented digital Europe that takes leadership in creating digital inclusion, green growth, innovation, trust, and agile mission-based policymaking, driving prosperity and creating benefits for the European society, and leading globally in an open economy.
We are on a mission. We want to build a stronger digital Europe.
We know that Europe can lead in the digital age, but we need to do so based on what we excel at and the values we believe in. Together with our members, we aim to provide European institutions with expert knowledge on how to best realise Europe’s potential through digital technologies.
DIGITALEUROPE is first and foremost a team of motivated and dynamic experts. Together, we take pride in the work we deliver and we already look forward to welcoming you in the team.
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