The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is a federation of 127 education trade unions in 51 countries, representing in total 11 million members all over Europe. We are the social partner for teachers and other education personnel at European level, and a defender of their interests towards the European Commission and other European institutions.
ETUCE is composed of national trade unions of teachers and other staff in all parts of the education sector: early childhood education; primary education; secondary education; vocational education and training; higher education and research. The member organisations cover both EU and non-EU states. ETUCE is the European Trade Union Federation for the education sector within the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
ETUCE was established in 1977. In November 2010 a new European structure was adopted by the Extraordinary Conference / General Assembly, at which ETUCE became an integrated part of Education International (EI). ETUCE is now the EI Regional Structure in the European region.