Eurochild is a network of organisations and individuals working with and for children in Europe.
We are striving for a society where all children and young people grow up happy, healthy, confident and respected as individuals in their own right. We aim to bring about positive changes in the lives of children, in particular those affected by poverty and disadvantage.
We reach our goal by influencing policies, building civil society capacity, facilitating mutual learning and exchanging practice and research. We are committed to child participation and to actively involve children in different aspects of our work.
Eurochild was established in 2004 by a group of organisations formerly working together in the European branch of the International Forum for Child Welfare. Eurochild works closely with the European Union, as protecting children’s rights is among the EU’s aims and values.
A major achievement of the network was its contribution to the European Commission Recommendation 2013/112/EU on investing in children. Eurochild also supports the work of the Council of Europe and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.