LUCI Association

  • Associations | NGOs


  • Environment & sustainability


Who we are

LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) is the international network of cities on urban lighting.

Created in 2002 at the initiative of the City of Lyon, today, LUCI is a non-profit organisation bringing together over 70 member towns and cities worldwide that use light as a tool for social, cultural and economic development.It also includes over 55 associated members from the lighting industry, design agencies and research institutes.

What we do

Cities across the world are confronted with the emergence of new urban forms, the evolution of urban
lifestyles and a need for more sustainable development. LUCI aims to help cities find appropriate answers to these major challenges with light.

The LUCI Head Office consists of a team of four persons based in Lyon working day to day  to ensure the success of the network’s activities.

Kontakt :

+33 4 27 11 85 37


Organisation Website