PROJECT-E is a non-profit organization originally established in Germany and registered as an international NGO in Ethiopia. Our mission is to provide vocational training as a tool to fight poverty, benefitting young Ethiopian women who are in financial, social or psychological need and do not have access to education. We believe that education is one of the most important foundations to escape poverty. Therefore, PROJECT-E empowers young Ethiopian women to develop their full potential by providing free high-quality training through full sponsorships, leading to a new generation of self-confident and independent women.
We want to make an impact – a lasting one. Empowering Ethiopian women through education doesn’t only help those individuals but the entire society. Higher education as key to economic development and ultimately the escape from poverty – that is what we have dedicated ourselves to. Increasing the skill and knowledge level of women is our ultimate goal in order to enable them to live an independent and self-determined life.
As a first project, the Secretarial Science College offers a three year training for office assistance in Ethiopia, composed of theoretical as well as practical parts and enjoying the highest accreditation by the Ethiopian government. With this project currently being handed over to a local partner organization, PROJECT-E is launching its second project: A Hospitality Institute offering a 2-year education program in Hotel Operations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Besides this project goal in Ethiopia, the PROJECT-E team in Europe has its agenda as well: Empowering others to empower ourselves. We are all students and young professionals working voluntarily in our free time for this goal – we all share great responsibility in young years which allows us to develop our skills in leadership, project management and determination. Hopefully, we can continue motivate young people from all kinds of background to get involved – there is no better way of challenging yourself and investing in your personal development.