Starch Europe

  • Associations


  • European Union | Economy & trade


Starch Europe’s mission is to promote and protect the reputation of starch products and the interests of EU starch producers to EU and international institutions and stakeholders, in order to assure a reliable and sustainable supply of safe starch based ingredients in a fair competitive environment.

Key objectives

  • The industry’s access to a sufficient supply of raw materials of good quality at competitive prices.
  • Fair competition between EU starch products and the other products with which they compete in all food, feed and non-food applications.
  • Increased recognition of the starch industry as a key player in the development of the bio-economy.
  • Ensure that technical rules applicable to the production, sales and use of starch-based products do not affect our freedom to operate on an equal basis with competing products.
  • International trade rules which maintain the competitiveness of the EU starch industry.
  • Promote the understanding of the key functions that the diverse range of starch based ingredients and co-products play in food, feed and industrial applications.
  • Promote industry good practice in assuring the safety, quality and sustainability both of starch based ingredients and co-products and of the raw materials from which they are made


The European Starch Industry Association, Starch Europe, is the trade association which represents the interests of the EU starch industry both at European and international level. Its membership comprises 28 EU starch producing companies, together representing more than 95% of the EU starch industry, and, in associate membership, 7 national starch industry associations.

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