• Forschungs- & Bildungseinrichtungen


  • Wissenschaft & Technologie | Bildung | Europäische Union | Internationale Zusammenarbeit


CESAER is the strong and united voice of universities of science and technology in Europe.

Our mission

Rooted in advanced engineering education and research, CESAER is an international association of leading specialised and comprehensive universities with a strong science and technology profile that advocate, learn from each other and inspire debates. Our Members champion excellence in higher education, training, research and innovation, contribute to knowledge societies for a sustainable future and deliver significant scientific, economic, social and societal impact.

Our mission is described in Article 2 of our Articles of Association.

Aims of the association

  • Advocate Members’ interests by aiding policymakers and funders shaping European strategies, policies and programmes for research, education, innovation and university leadership;
  • Learn from each other by sharing and spreading intelligence, knowledge and best practice in research, education, innovation and university leadership;
  • Safeguard sustainable funding by advocating and shaping sustainable competitive and non-competitive funding streams to our Members from different sources at various levels;
  • Lead debate on key issues by advancing reflection and understanding of the roles of science and technology in knowledge societies for a sustainable future;
  • Amplify the Members’ and Association’s strengths by supporting Members in displaying their excellence and distinctiveness in Europe and beyond.

Our aims are described in Article 3 of our Articles of Association.

Kontakt :

+32 486 41 17 56



Organisation Website