Institute of Science and Technology Austria

  • Forschungs- & Bildungseinrichtungen


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The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is a PhD granting research institution dedicated to cutting-edge research in the physical, mathematical, computer, and life sciences.

Founding Principles

ISTA was established in 2006 by the Federal Government of Austria and the Government of Lower Austria. The campus opened in 2009 in the city of Klosterneuburg, on the outskirts of Vienna. The Institute was founded based on a set of principles that were first formulated by Haim Harari, Olaf Kübler, and Hubert Markl, who distilled them from the most successful systems and ideas in the world for the governance of research institutes.

Core Missions

The founding principles of ISTA remain valid today and continue to guide the growth and development of the Institute in its second decade, as it works toward excelling in its core missions:

  • to perform world-class basic research,
  • to train the next generation of scientific leaders,
  • to support science education and technology transfer, and
  • to implement best practices in science management.

Kontakt :

+43 (0)2243 9000


Organisation Website