Rud Pedersen Public Affairs GmbH is a leading European consultancy specialising in Public Affairs.
As a Public Affairs Partner, they help their clients navigate political systems. They ensure that their clients understand the impact of policy and politics on their organisations and work with them to strategically reach their goals. They provide their clients with a keen understanding of the political debate and governmental processes, as well as the decision-makers that drive it.
Rud Pedersen Public Affairs GmbH ist ein führendes europäisches Beratungsunternehmen, das auf Public Affairs spezialisiert ist.
Als Public Affairs Partner helfen wir unseren Kunden, sich in politischen Systemen zurechtzufinden, die Auswirkungen von Politik und ihren Richtlinien auf ihre Organisationen zu verstehen und helfen ihnen so dabei, ihre Ziele zu erreichen.
Organisation Website